In this seminar we want to focus on you, teachers-to-be, and how you can actively incorporate and update teaching English in the 21st century!

Guided and intervened by brief theoretical inputs you will collaboratively craft a single lesson, that you would have loved to receive or take part in as a school student.
With a sufficient amount of participants the idea is to collectively construct a whole lesson unit to a specific topic, class level, ... You will have enough time to work the unit during the seminar sessions!
Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity will be key competencies to acquire and bring with you :)

We will learn how to properly structure a lesson, discuss roles and their agency in the classroom and share experiences in order to tackle potential problems that could arise in the planning process. We will also get a first look at the components of an „Unterricht-Langentwurf“ helping you through independent lesson planning in future school practice phases.